Henry obudzi się w pokoju, gdzie usłyszy transmisję w radiu dotyczącą sprawy Waltera Sullivana. Wyjrzyj przez okno z salonu. Henry zobaczy sąsiada z pokoju 207, który wskazuje na pokój 303, pokój Eileen. Jak do niej zajrzysz, okaże się, że się przebrała na przyjęcie. Opróżnij inwetarz i zapisz grę. W łazience zbadaj kibel - nawiązanie do Silent Hill 2. Przejdź przez dziurę, która jest większa i okrąglejsza.
Henry obudzi się w korytarzu swojego apartamentowca. Idąc korytarzem zobaczysz małego chłopca pukającego do drzwi. Gdy do nich podejdzie, chłopiec zniknie, a pod drzwiami pojawi się czerwona kartka. Udaj się do pokoju 301. W salonie znajdziesz pamiętnik Mike's Diary:
oraz kawałek czerwonej kartki Red Paper - May 2. Na ścianie będzie Portal.
"The last few months, Joseph, the guy
next door to me who gave me that rare
porn magazine, looks like he's been
working super hard.
He said if he found another rare one,
he'd give it to me but he hasn't shown
his face around much lately.
He said he was a journalist and he
is always investigating stuff.
But I think something strange is going
on with him. He's been shut in his
apartment and I can hear all these weird
noises come from there.
July 1 -Mike
Oh my beautiful Rachael,
What's with the note on the red paper?
I thought you'd written a note back
to me...
But I guess maybe it was somewhere
next door to me who gave me that rare
porn magazine, looks like he's been
working super hard.
He said if he found another rare one,
he'd give it to me but he hasn't shown
his face around much lately.
He said he was a journalist and he
is always investigating stuff.
But I think something strange is going
on with him. He's been shut in his
apartment and I can hear all these weird
noises come from there.
July 1 -Mike
Oh my beautiful Rachael,
What's with the note on the red paper?
I thought you'd written a note back
to me...
But I guess maybe it was somewhere
He took it along with my clothes.
Those were my best clothes.
July 2 -Mike"
Those were my best clothes.
July 2 -Mike"
oraz kawałek czerwonej kartki Red Paper - May 2. Na ścianie będzie Portal.
"I figured out the riddle behind the numbers.
"01121" is actually "01/21."
In other words, 1 out of 21.
So Walter was planning on killing 21 people...?
But he never finished the job.
He was covicted for the murders of Billy and Miriam Locane,
the 7th and 8th victims. Afterwards, he committed suicide in his jail cell.
The grisly mass murder of 10 people shocked the world and came to be
known as the "Walter Sullivan Case".
There are two big puzzles here.
The first is: What was the motive for the murders?
The second is: Why did he kill himself before completing his task?
Was he simply insane...?
May 2."
Zwiedź mieszkanie. Znajdziesz zdjęcia a na nich klucze: Superintendent's Key oraz Locker Key #106. Na ramie łóżka znajdziesz Joseph's Article, który będzie znajomy dla weteranów Silent Hill 3:
Wróć do salonu i przejdź przez Portal.
Teaching Despair: "Wish House"
"Wish House," an orphanage on
the outskirts of Silent Hill. But
behind its false image is a place
where children are kidnapped
and brainwashed.
Wish House is managed by the
"Silent Hill Smile Support Society,"
a charity organization sometimes
called "4S."
It's true that 4S is a well-respected
charity that "takes in poor children
without homes and raises them with
But at its heart, it is a heathen
organization that teaches its own
warped dogma in lieu of good
religious values.
Mr. Smith (temp), who lives near
"Wish House," had this to say:
"Sometimes at night I can hear their
weird prayers and the sounds of
[children] crying. I went there to
complain one time, but they ran me
right out. Since then, it hasn't changed
a bit."
In fact, this reporter was refused
admission when he attempted to
take photographs in the facility.
What exactly do the folks at
"Wish House" have to hide?
During my investigations, I was
able to discover, however, a
suspicious-looking round concrete
tower which appears to be part of
their facilities.
"Wish House," an orphanage on
the outskirts of Silent Hill. But
behind its false image is a place
where children are kidnapped
and brainwashed.
Wish House is managed by the
"Silent Hill Smile Support Society,"
a charity organization sometimes
called "4S."
It's true that 4S is a well-respected
charity that "takes in poor children
without homes and raises them with
But at its heart, it is a heathen
organization that teaches its own
warped dogma in lieu of good
religious values.
Mr. Smith (temp), who lives near
"Wish House," had this to say:
"Sometimes at night I can hear their
weird prayers and the sounds of
[children] crying. I went there to
complain one time, but they ran me
right out. Since then, it hasn't changed
a bit."
In fact, this reporter was refused
admission when he attempted to
take photographs in the facility.
What exactly do the folks at
"Wish House" have to hide?
During my investigations, I was
able to discover, however, a
suspicious-looking round concrete
tower which appears to be part of
their facilities.
Unfortunately no one was willing
to tell us what the tower was used
for. But it seems unlikely that it has
anything to do with the business of
raising orphans. It may in fact be a
prison, or a secret place of worship.
The cult religion that operates
"Wish House" is known by the
locals simply as "The Order."
It's a religion that is deeply interwoven
with Silent Hill's history.
But its worshippers' fervent belief
that they are among the elite "chosen
people" has a dark and dangerous side.
I intend to continue my
investigation of "Wish House"
and the cult behind it.
I've always believed that "telling
the whole truth" and showing the
children the true path, is our most
important duty.
Joseph Schreiber
to tell us what the tower was used
for. But it seems unlikely that it has
anything to do with the business of
raising orphans. It may in fact be a
prison, or a secret place of worship.
The cult religion that operates
"Wish House" is known by the
locals simply as "The Order."
It's a religion that is deeply interwoven
with Silent Hill's history.
But its worshippers' fervent belief
that they are among the elite "chosen
people" has a dark and dangerous side.
I intend to continue my
investigation of "Wish House"
and the cult behind it.
I've always believed that "telling
the whole truth" and showing the
children the true path, is our most
important duty.
Joseph Schreiber
Wróć do salonu i przejdź przez Portal.
Henry ponownie obudzi się w swoim pokoju, gdzie usłyszy dziwny dźwięk z pralni - idź go sprawdzić. Podejdź do drzwi i wyjrzyj przez judasza - zobaczysz znaną z filmiku postać. Weź czerwoną kartkę Red Paper spod drzwi.Udaj się do łazienki i przejdź przez dziurę w ścianie.
Wyjdź na korytarz i udaj się nim do końca. Przejdź przez podwójne drzwi na klatkę schodową. Na schodach będzie siedział facet, który da ci lalkę Shabby Doll. Zejdź na sam dół. Będą tam 4 martwe psy oraz Portal. Podejdź do skrzynek na ścianie i użyj klucza Locker Key #106. W skrzynce znajdziesz listy miłosne.
Wejdź w wschodni korytarz przez podwójne drzwi i znajdź pokój 105 - "Superintendent's Room". Weź klucz Apartment Key, czerwoną kartkę Red Paper oraz czerwoną kartkę przedartą z pudełka Torn Red Paper. Na szafce nocnej będzie pamiętnik Superintendent's Diary (Umbilical Cord):
"The red box seems even stranger today.
It's giving off a terrible smell.
It's disgusting, but I just can't throw it
It's giving off a terrible smell.
It's disgusting, but I just can't throw it
It must have been around 30 years ago.
That young couple was living in
the apartment, but one day they just
suddenly disappeared.
Ran off just like thieves in the night.
I don't know why. It must have been
money troubles, or maybe they got
themselves into some kind of danger.
The problem came after that. They left
their newborn baby when they took off.
I even found the umbilical cord.
I called the ambulance right away and
I heard the baby survived, but I don't
know what happened to him.
Although a few years later, I often
saw a young kid hanging around the
One day he just stopped coming by.
But now that I think of it, I'll bet he
was that abandoned baby.
It's a horrbile story.
Abandoning a newborn baby...
That all happened in Room 302...
And the umbilical cord I found there...
Well, I still can't get myself to throw
it away."
That young couple was living in
the apartment, but one day they just
suddenly disappeared.
Ran off just like thieves in the night.
I don't know why. It must have been
money troubles, or maybe they got
themselves into some kind of danger.
The problem came after that. They left
their newborn baby when they took off.
I even found the umbilical cord.
I called the ambulance right away and
I heard the baby survived, but I don't
know what happened to him.
Although a few years later, I often
saw a young kid hanging around the
One day he just stopped coming by.
But now that I think of it, I'll bet he
was that abandoned baby.
It's a horrbile story.
Abandoning a newborn baby...
That all happened in Room 302...
And the umbilical cord I found there...
Well, I still can't get myself to throw
it away."
Udaj się do pokoju 106. W sypialni znajdziesz apteczkę Portable Medical Kit. Zacznie dzwonić telefon, ale to nie jest ważne. Pojawi się także duch. W 107 nie ma nic ciekawego, tak jak i w 104 oraz 103. Udaj się do 102, gdzie poza robakami odszukaj drugą część czerwonej kartki Torn Red Paper w jeansach w lodówce. Udaj się do 101, gdzie znajdziesz naboje Pistol Bullets oraz ducha. Udaj się teraz na 2 piętro 2F.
Pokój 204 jest pusty. W 203 znajdziesz spray na owady Bug Spray. W sypialni tego mieszkania w kieszeni zakrwawionej bluzki znajdziesz kolejną połówkę czerwonej kartki Torn Red Paper. W pokoju 202 odbierz telefon... Pooglądaj obrazy dotyczące sąsiadów. W pokoju 201 znajdziesz tylko robaki.
Udaj się do drugiego korytarza na tym piętrze do pokoju 205, gdzie na stoliku do kawy w salonie znajdziesz "Skinned Mike" Cassette. W 206 nic ciekawego poza potworami nie ma. Pokój 207 jest pilnowany przez psy, ale wart jest odwiedzenia. Wyjrzyj przez okno, aby zobaczyć pokój 303, pokój Eileen. Przy oknie na fotelu będzie Richard's Revolver oraz kij do golfa Putter Golf Club. Będzie tam także magnetofon, ale na razie nie możesz odsłuchać znalezionej w pokoju 205 kasety.
Udaj się na 3 piętro 3F. W korytarzu usłyszysz, że Eileen próbuje wydostać się ze swojego apartamentu. Podłóż wszystkie znalezione czerwone kartki pod drzwi swojego mieszkania 302, a następnie udaj się do pokoju 301 i przejdź przez Portal.
W pokoju 302 wyjdź z sypialni i udaj się do drzwi. Przeczytaj wsunięte pod nie czerwone kartki.
Red Diary - May 14:
Red Diary - May 14:
"It was four years ago that they discovered
the body with "12/21" carved into it.
Right away I had this terrible feeling and couldn't stop shaking.
The victimshad been murdered six months earlier,
but Walter had been dead for seven years,
having commited suicide three years before the murder.
The police thinks it's a copycat crime,
and are calling it the Sullivan CaseRound Two.
But something about it bothered me...
May 14"
Mike's Love Letter:
....love you ... always
watching .... window....
protect you... with love,
Red Diary - May 20:
"I picked up the key that Eileen from
Room 303 must have dropped.
I thought I'd return it but she wasm't
home. I guess I'll give it to the super.
May 20"
Red Diary Scrap:
"I lost the key to Eileen Galvin's room.
I've gotta find it and bring it back.
Let me think... The last place I saw it was..."
Red Diary Scrap (cont.):
"Oh yeah, I had a really wicked headache
that day and just collapsed on the bed.
Maybe if I look near the bed in my
room - 302's bedroom - I'll find it.
I get headaches every day now.
It's terrible.
What am I goingo to do?
May 22".
Udaj się teraz do swojej sypialni. Na podłodze między łóżkiem a oknem znajdziesz klucz Doll Key, który jest kluczem do pokoju 303. Udaj się ponownie do salonu i odsłuchaj kasetę "Skinned Mike" Cassette na radiu w salonie. Przejdź przez Portal do Apartment World.
Wyjdź z pokoju 301 i udaj się do pokoju 303. Użyj klucza Doll Key i wejdź do środka. Znajdziesz tam małego chłopca stojącego nad Eileen, która będzie miała na plecach numer: 20121.
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